My Village Blue 2

A Place to gather and smell the flowers

Archive for August 18th, 2008

The 4-Step Cook

Posted by whisel on August 18, 2008

 Not a Cook, a Cooker, or a Cookie am I, not a chef, not a baker, nor a sandwich maker. Still a body must eat, a face must shine and a throat in a moat must swallow. Not by can, tin, bowl or basket alone, does a diner design her dinner. So a BOOK appeared one holiday cycle, wrapped in blue paper, whetting my whistle. Aha, I said, It’s a winner.

Given by a lovely lady, a lemony child who knows her way about the kitchen, who loves to snicker and snacker at the oddities I call food piled on saltine crackers. It was funny and sunny, a good product for the money.  A Book for a not-cook, take a look :


Only four ingredients, nothing more. No mystery, no exotica, no gourmet lore. Just four ingredients, not a challenge, not a chore. Quatrains of recipes, ingredients of ease, like mayonnaise, mushroom soup and cheddary cheese. THE END….




Not really, but this weird, rhyming Suesse-sa-long is driving me crazy. I don’t why I started it, but when I sit at the keyboard it’s anybodys guess as to what will come out. The book is really fun and simple. My kind of world. Favorite recipe: Zucchini Bake. It goes like this:


5 medium zucchini (sliced round)

1 cup Monterrey Jack Jalapeno Cheese, grated

½ cup bread crumbs

1 can (14 ½ oz) stewed tomatoes

Boil zucchini 8 minutes until crisp tender. Layer ½ the zucchini

in greased casserole dish. Sprinkle with cheese & crumbs.

Top with remainder of zucchini. Cover with tomatoes.

Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees.


What’s not to like? How about you? Do you have a favorite recipe to share? What about a treasured cookbook you’d like to write about?


Best wishes, Whisel*



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